Once upon a time, there was a very ambitious, determined youngish woman who wanted to live a life of meaning and be of help to others. She certified in coaching and reiki and was trauma informed and learned from successful, notable people in the field. She worked hard, came up with creative ideas and did her best. She did ok. And it was hard, and mostly worth it. The end.
I don't like to consider myself a pessimistic person, but there is no doubt, that occasionally I fall into the narrowly focused perspective of all the things that are hard and wrong. Don't you? Yes. And yet, my job is to help people to see things more positively and in a more resourceful way.
The fairy tale is never true. Never. Nothing comes as easily as we imagine it does for some others. Everyone struggles. The fairy tale persists so that we have something to believe in - and to strive for. If even just in our imaginations. But the fairy tale like above. The one where she works hard and life ends up being ok. That's the truest story ever told. And it's the secret to success. And it's beautiful.
Coaching and counseling are difficult fields for anyone to break even in.
The coach who is successful isn't more together - isn't more skilled or more certified or even experienced than the one who isn't. The thing they is, better at delivering the same message that's been available to this person their whole life in the right way, at the right time and connected it to the right pain point or the right joy in their spirit.
I am a wishful thinker just like you
OMG What could anyone share today that would be unique and interesting and make a difference. Everything that needs to be said has already been said. Everything that is worth sharing is already shared. I can't imagine asking anyone to read another word. Except we do. Somehow we are still seeking - still wanting, still wishing for that thing that will be so new to us that it will change everything.
Add a Closing Message......ok, here I go.
Great coaches are resilient and capable and don't give up. They work hard, They believe in themselves enough to stick to it. They don't see perfection. They enjoy what they do.
The most successful coaches would publish this blog even though it isn't good. Even though it doesn't share anything new. They would publish it because it might hit someone right in the right spot one day and change something for the better.
Or not. What do I know?