We get this question all the time. It's presented to us sometimes before we begin, genuinely, and often with a hint of healthy skepticism. It's asked by our clients all the time while they are in process and experiencing change in the moment; amazed, most often with a delightful look of total shock. And it's asked by family members and loved ones who are witness to someone who is tangibly changing into a different, stronger and more positive person right before their eyes. We love when you ask. Because we enjoy answering so damn much!
The difference is simple: We Change Your Beliefs about yourself, not your understanding and interpretation of events that happened to you. We change your thinking and, more importantly your feeling, at the UNCONSCIOUS level, where 90% of your behaviours and feelings and reactions and responses come from. We shift the perception of the world you live in now, we don't try to make you feel differently despite past events. When you work with your time line at the unconscious level in the quantum perceptual positions we take you to, you have the opportunity to undo those beliefs about yourself and others, that you have incorrectly accepted as truths.
Beliefs SHAPE who we are, How we feel and what we DO!
For example, some of you may relate:
You: "I'm not confident enough to....."
Us: "Oh? When did you decide that?"
You: "I didn't 'decide' that, I just know it. I'm not."
Us: "Right, ok. Did you come out of the womb believing you weren't confident enough? So you must have learnt that somewhere along the way. So close your eyes......go back to the first time you decided you weren't confident enough...." ....Light trance, and off we go!
15 minutes later:
Us: "So how do you feel about that old belief now?"
You: "....(laughing).....My god! It's amazing, I spend so much time thinking that way! I could have chosen to believe things differently - how that would have change things - and WILL change things!
Us: "How sure are you that you can take the next step now?"
You: "100%" Big Smile.
True Story. By a factor of well over 1000!!
The Unconscious Mind at Work
Can you imagine how the world you live in changes? Think about that friend you know who believes she's ugly and projects that out in the world. But you know that if she could just see herself the way you see her and others see her, she'd know she was absolutely lovely! What if all of a sudden she believed it and acted that way! How different would the world be to her?
What if you, yourself suddenly realized that other people can't MAKE you feel small or stupid or insecure. And you reached out with compassion instead of withdrawing and taking it personally. Because your BELIEF was that you can always make that choice. Many people believe that. Many people live strong, purposeful lives just because they BELIEVE they can no matter what. You can too.
The work we do is so successful because we change the decisions you made that you didn't know you made. We don't talk about the hurts and pains and analyze the meaning and the reasons and understand and redefine and try and try to change with the 10% of our mind that is conscious and speaks up and listens during traditional talk therapy. Instead you use the 90% to decide what you'd like to believe and go back in time to when you decided you couldn't and CHANGE the response our brain had then into one that puts us back in control!
With us, we don't rehash all the reasons why you are where you are, because the past doesn't matter. It's over. What matters is now and the next moment and the next one. What matters is what you believe about how you can change and shape your life moment to moment.