Ok. So Life Coaches. Trendy and uppity or lame or totally not for you, right? We're the first to admit that Life Coaching appears trendy. Not only do I get it, I remember what I thought of life coaching before I was a Life Coach. Walking by a Life Coaching ad nearly 10 years ago at my gym, I thought to myself, "Seriously? This person is going to tell me how to "do" my life better than I'm doing it? - How insulting, and gimmicky and New-Age." I didn't like what I thought was New-Age then.
And I walked away, unhappy with my health, unsure what my future held, uncertain of where I was going or why I was running so fast all the time. But quite sure a Life Coach wouldn't be able to help me with any of that. I was wrong. Short and simple, wrong.
Here's the deal. Life Coach is a terrible name for what we do. Believe me, we've spent endless hours trying to come up with something better; Transformational Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coach, Inspirational Guru, Mad Scientist of Your Beliefs, Internal Fear Alchemist, just plain COACH...but it's a losing battle. The closer we get to what we actually do, the weirder and more lame we sound. So Life Coach it remains. But I assure you, what we do is the farthest thing from lame.
What we do is so cool, actually so effective, that we sign a contract with you that you will have an undeniable experience of lasting positive change after working with us. Take a moment and imagine your brain is 90% unconscious thoughts and emotions and reactions - it is! - and imagine that all your beliefs are like webs connecting old experiences, long forgotten, through a filter you use to interpret new experiences - they are! - and that with a little shifting and colouring and re-orienting, you can literally change the way the webs are connected and how and when they fire up - it's possible, we do this! - making your actual thinking and feeling more useful for you NOW.
We will take your life exactly as it is, and guide you to being able to think and feel yourself into becoming a happier, more fulfilled, fearless and powerful version of yourself. Like I said, so cool.
We don't tell you how to "do" life better than you do it. We don't have any kind of enlightened understanding of the meaning of life. We have amazingly effective, well proven, mind boggling neuro-emotional tools that can fast forward your brain to allow you to think and feel the way you wish you could be. Sound useful?
Imagine there's no stigma. Imagine the cost is SO worth it. Imagine it makes the impossible possible. Imagine everything is SO MUCH easier for you.
Here's a few of our actual client transformations over the last year. Can you relate?
Broken Relationship now a Fixed Relationship.
Debilitating ANXIETY, now in law school with an 88% average.
Inability to trust and receive love from husband now able to be open to, love and trust husband. Also knows when he's lying and trusts herself.
Constant Migraines now No Migraines. (going on 4 months...)
Uncertain which life choice to make: travel or stay, school or career - Decision made EASILY! (and working out AMAZINGLY!)
Severe anxiety all the time and frequent panic attacks, now nearly anxiety free and no more attacks. Triggers create opportunities to let go.
230 Ibs now 170 Ibs.
Zapped of energy and motivation now laughing in the morning before 7 am and on fire at work!!
No self-esteem, no self-confidence to now feeling more attractive and increasingly strong and most often GOOD ENOUGH.
Unsure whether to stay in a relationship that wasn't working. Now Happy, Free and Single!
PTSD and little desire to live now completely free of PTSD and choosing to LIVE life!
Birth Trauma led to inability to get pregnant again now joyfully giving it her all!
Life coaching lame? WRONG! Around here, it's pretty good and always, always getting better!